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Bloodstone & Dragon Bloodstone
In the ancient world, Dragon Bloodstone was considered to be the most beautiful of the Jaspers, a deep, earthy green gem emboldened with spots of bright red. The other variety of Bloodstone is just as beautiful, usually a dark grey in appearance with striking red spots, white (quartz) and very rarely seen, pyrite inclusions. Both varieties hold the same metaphysical properties, but are from 2 different locations. Dragon Bloodstone (green and red) is Australian, while the grey variety is African in origin.
Called the Sun Stone, and later Christ’s Stone, its energy carries the purity of blood and inherently speaks of life and birth, vitality and strength, passion and courage. As a talisman it is both mystical and magical, and its virtues are protective and nurturing.
The most widely known legend of this stone comes from the Middle Ages and claims the “Blood Stone” was formed at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, when the blood of his wounds fell onto the dark green earth and turned to stone. Another version declares the blood of Christ, which flowed from the fatal spear-thrust, fell upon a Green Jasper lying at the foot of the Cross, and from this sprang the Bloodstone variety of Jasper. Today, as then, Bloodstone is regarded as a gem of noble sacrifice and can offer courage and solace to all who are called to give of themselves for the good of others. It elicits the highest, most altruistic character of those who wear or carry it.
Bloodstone was treasured not only as a talisman of good health and long life, but was reputed to bring its owner respect, good fortune, riches and fame. It protected one from deception, helped overcome enemies in battle, and secured victory in court and legal matters. It was also believed to have magical properties with the ability to control the weather by averting lightning, conjuring storms or summoning rain. Bloodstone conferred the gift of prophecy as an “audible oracle” that gave off sound as a means of guidance or to warn of danger, and could direct spiritual energies to banish negativity and evil.
Bloodstone may be classified as a Jasper or Chalcedony variety of Quartz, and is usually a combination of the two. It is typically defined as a dark green Chalcedony with blood-like spots of Red Jasper or iron oxide inclusions. It occurs as massive formations, ranging from dark green to greenish-blue or greenish-black, and may be translucent to opaque with a waxy, resinous luster. In addition to the spots and streaks of Red Jasper, some formations contain inclusions that are yellow or white, while others lacking inclusions may be entirely green. Bloodstone has been referred to as Blood Jasper and specimens with only yellow inclusions have been called Plasma. In the ancient world it was considered to be a semi-precious stone or gem, and was used extensively as signet seals and in jewelry, as well as being carved into decorative cups, small vases and statuettes.
Wear or carry Bloodstone as an amulet of protection against threats or bullying, whether verbal or physical, and for guidance to withdraw when appropriate and the courage to confront when needed. Sew a small Bloodstone in the coat of a child or teenager who is being bullied. Carry one for strength when adjusting to new circumstances.
Wear or carry Bloodstone to increase mental clarity and to aid in decision-making. It provides a mental boost when motivation is lacking, and can revitalize the mind and body if you are exhausted.
Bloodstone stimulates dreaming and heightens intuition. It is marvelous for increasing creativity and cultivating a project from the idea stage through to actualization. It encourages blessings and prosperity.
Bloodstone is a nurturing mother goddess stone, helpful in easing misunderstandings or difficulties with mothers or mothering issues. It also assists human and animal mothers in the bonding process after a traumatic birth or one where mother and baby were separated for a time.
Working with Bloodstone invigorates the system, boosting energy levels and increasing endurance in physical activity. It is beneficial for everyone from athletes to invalids for its steady vibration of purification and well-being. Use as a good luck charm for sports competitions or matches.
An excellent stimulator of the immune system, use Bloodstone to ward off colds, flu, infections and inflammation. It is also a remarkable aid for revitalizing and re-energizing the body after illness, injury, or physical exhaustion.
Bloodstone’s magical properties allow one to draw upon the power of the weather for personal healing, such as tapping into the winds to bring change or the rain to wash away sorrow.