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Atlantisite is not a mineral, but rather a type of metamorphic rock. In order to understand the difference, think of rocks as being like cookies and minerals as being the ingredients which make up those cookies. Many different minerals are used to create a rock... Atlantisite combines purple Stichtite, a rare carbonate mineral with green Serpentine, a stone which is sometimes classified as as a phyllosilicate mineral and at other times as a metamorphic rock.
The only known location for Atlantasite is found on “Stichtite Hill” in Zeehan, Tasmania, an island off the coast of Australia. This hill has one of the largest deposits of Stichtite, but it also has some areas in which the Stichtite is intergrown with green Serpentine. Serpentine is created in contact metamorphism, and can include a combination of up to 16 different hydrous silicate minerals. During the metamorphic process, purple Stichtite was added to the mineral mixture. The result is a lime green Serpentine stone with purple spots of Stichtite.
Atlantisite is a unique healing crystal that combines green Serpentine with purple Stichtite. While each individual mineral is found in various locations around the world, this striking combination stone is found only in Tasmania, Australia. Sometimes this stone is marketed by its scientific name, “Stichtite in Serpentine” and sometimes by its metaphysical name which evokes the lost civilization of Atlantis. By either name, it is instantly recognizable for its vivid contrasting colors and balanced energy. Atlantisite is a stone that unites heaven and earth. Its energy is grounded and wise, as well as happy and hopeful.
Atlantisite unites the powers of Heaven and Earth. It teaches us about our place in the web and circle of life, and how to be a good steward of this planet. It also reminds us that that Higher Beings, wise and compassionate, are watching over us and want to help us during times of need. Atlantisite activates our intuition and the Kundalini Serpent, helping us connect with both Higher Beings and our own Highest Self. It also is an excellent tool for exploring past lives, both human and animal and even plants...
Atlantisite has a very grounding, calm, and loving energy that can help us to look at our life objectively and compassionately. It reminds us that we are still learning and that wisdom grows through time and experience. It urges us to be patient and to release any fears we may have about change and to look to the future with hope and faith. Atlantisite encourages us to connect with others, especially elders and teachers who can help us become more “emotionally intelligent.” This is particularly good for helping us to create and nurture loving relationships, whether romantic, familial, or platonic. Later on, we in turn have the opportunity to share this knowledge with others, and with one small step at a time, our world becomes a better and more loving place.
Atlantisite encourages an expansive worldview where we help one another and take care of our shared world. It teaches us to be less judgmental and more willing to accept and celebrate diversity. Atlantisite is a stone for lifelong learning. It reminds us that we only know what we currently know, and that we base our decisions accordingly. But when we know MORE, we may need to adjust our decisions to reflect the new knowledge. Atlantisite’s mental tolerance includes our view of ourselves, helping us to forgive ourselves for past ignorance and to focus our energy on our current learning and our future goals.
Atlantisite is recommended for anyone feeling self-conscious about how their skin fits on their body. It is particularly good for women post-partum or anyone after a major weight loss if the skin has been stretched out and now fits more loosely. It is also good for elders whose skin is now showing wrinkles, liver spots and other signs of age. Atlantisite encourages us to love our body, despite any so-called “flaws.” It reminds us that these are marks of having lived with courage and passion, daring to change and to grow. Atlantisite sings that our truest beauty is the way our spirit shines bright for all the world to see. It is also an excellent talisman for anyone who turns to food when feeling emotional and wants to find other coping mechanisms to self-soothe.