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Hematite is a common iron oxide mineral that can be found in the form of masses, botryoidal, tabular, and the rarest form, rhombohedral. This mineral, originally referred to as “Haematite” wasn’t officially discovered until 1773 by Jean Baptiste rome de I’Isle who removed the first “e” to make it “Hematite.” The name is derived from the Greek word for blood “haima” due to the color the mineral turns when ground to powder.Hematite is a very special mineral that was believed to be used by man 164,000 years ago. A small area south of Mossel Bay in South Africa has been excavated many times since 2000 and produced numerous artifacts dating back hundreds of thousands of years. Interestingly, an observation from one of the excavations was that of writing on a cave wall in a red powder substance. Through extensive research and analysis it was confirmed that this powder was in fact Hematite.
NASA made a remarkable discovery when they found Hematite on Mars. It was found by the infrared spectrometer on the NASA Mars Global Surveyor and the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft when it was orbiting the planet. What makes this even more interesting is the need of water for Hematite to occur. NASA Scientists are now studying the images and samples in which they took to help better understand the environment of Mars, and if it is suitable for life.
Hematite is one of the most powerful grounding stones in the mineral kingdom, intended to root your body and mind back to Earth. This stone helps refocus your thoughts and actions into those that matter to you most while guiding you on the right path. It's a stone of attraction, much like that of a magnet. Hematite is constantly pulling down excess energy from your environment to help you use it towards your best interests. Once your focus becomes anchored to the Earth, Hematite shows you that anything you desire is achievable. Rooting ourselves into the present moment seems to be a harder challenge each day. In the technological world that we are advancing in; it seems difficult for us to stay present within our thoughts. Constantly picking up our phone proves that our mind is looking to escape elsewhere. When connecting with Hematite we are able to strengthen our root chakra to keep our attention on the task at hand. Take a moment each day to work with your Hematite to center your energies into the right frame of mind.
Hematite was used by the ancient Egyptians as a amulet of protection against madness. It is sometimes called "the lawyer's stone" believed to bring favorable judgments to the wearer involved in a court case. This belief dates to the Babylonian author Azchalias that wrote that the stone would aid in petitions to the King and victorious in lawsuits. It is an excellent stone to bring about self-control. She also finds it to be an excellent stone to balance the body, mind, and spirit. Marguerite Elsbeth in Crystal Medicine finds it to be a calming stone useful in meditation. Judy Hall in The Crystal Bible finds it to boost self esteem and enhance memory and clarity of thought. Robert Simmons in the Book of Stones reports Hematite is the best stone for grounding oneself in the real world and avoiding confusion. Several authors note it is an excellent stone for balancing the Yin and Yang of your nature.
Hematite helps to absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. Hematite is a very protective stone and is great to carry to help you stay grounded in many situations. Hematite is also good for working with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration. Those in relationships can benefit from the cooperation vibe coming from Hematite.
Hematite can help one to find their own, unique gifts and to release self-imposed limitations, while still maintaining a healthy amount of self-control. Hematite aids in the Ascension process, by facilitating the integration of higher spiritual energies into our physical 3-D existence. This allows those who are doing spiritual work to still be able to function in the physical world and relate to others.
Carry Hematite when in need of balance and equilibrium, or when having difficulty focusing energies. Hematite is also said to be useful in legal situations, and is thought to strengthen self-confidence.
Physically, Hematite is also used to protect against geopathic stress and electromagnetic smog, and is said to be a great detoxifying stone, helpful for the liver and the blood.
Caution: Natural Hematite may contain a very slight magnetic charge. Please check with your doctor before working with this crystal if you wear a pacemaker. Items marketed as "Magnetic Hematite" are not actually Hematite at all and should be avoided by those wearing a pacemaker.