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Prehnite is a calcium aluminum silicate mineral that crystallizes in the form of masses, globular formations, botryoidal, and stalactites. Rarely is Prehnite seen in crystal form, but when it is they are usually very tiny prismatic crystals. Prehnite’s color is usually light yellow or green, but can also be seen as white, tan, grey, or colorless. This mineral was first discovered in 1788 by A.G. Werner. Werner named it after the Dutch military Colonel Hendrik Von Prehn who was in charge of the region where this mineral was found. Since then, Prehnite has been found in China, Scotland, Australia, the United States, and New Zealand. In 2000, an extremely rare pocket of orange Prehnite was discovered in the N'chwaning mine in South Africa. By 2002, the vein was completely exhausted and orange Prehnite has yet to be found again.
Prehnite is considered a stone of unconditional love and the crystal to heal the healer. It enhances precognition and inner knowing. Enables you always to be prepared. Prehnite calms the environment and brings peace and protection. It teaches how to be in harmony with nature and the elemental forces. Helpful for “decluttering” – letting go of possessions you no longer need, aiding those who hoard possessions, or love, because of an inner lack. Prehnite alleviates nightmares, phobias and deep fears, uncovering and healing the dis-ease that creates them. It is a stone for dreaming and remembering. Beneficial for hyperactive children and the causes that underlie the condition.
While meditating with or sleeping next to a piece of Prehnite, one may feel a strengthened connection to a higher dimension. Interestingly, people often experience contact with spiritual beings and their guardian angels when working with Prehnite. This mineral is a powerful communication stone simply because of one's heart being open and in touch with our will. Our desire for knowledge and answers are endless, even on a subconscious level. Not to mention, in deep meditation or a powerful REM sleep, our heart is looking to grow, prosper, and heal. Prehnite will push individuals living passively towards a higher vibration and help one stay in tune to the energy within.