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Arfvedsonite was christened so after its namesake Swedish chemist Johann Arfvedson. It has been found in the USA, Canada, Russia, Germany, South Africa, Norway, and Greenland. Arfvedsonite looks a lot like Nuummite, and it is sometimes confused with Astrophyllite. Its vibration is very different, and it is sometimes physically combined with Sugilite which of course will give you the attributes of both.
If you have been feeling depressed, this crystal is a powerful aid to lift your vibration, so that you are able to see hope in the coming future.
In meditation, Arfvedsonite helps bring about brilliant manifestations that will help you on your spiritual journey. It helps you to create a clear path ahead, as it assists you to awaken to the Divine Light, and to anchor it into matter, within your reality. It grounds you whilst you are in astral realms and not only assists you there but in the earthly plane at same time, so to speak.
Arfvedsonite is not merely for manifestations of Divine enlightenment – although many of us would say that is good enough for us! – it is also for manifestation of whatever you need in your life. Do you need more money? If you own a bricks and mortar business with a cash till, place an Arfvedsonite and a Citrine inside your cash till to manifest more money in your business. If you have an online business place this crystal combination by your computer on your desk or keep it near by wherever you work. If you simply need more money, full stop, just put an Arfvedsonite and a Citrine in your billfold, wallet, handbag, piggy bank…wherever you keep your money.
What about love? If you wish to manifest love, use Arfvedsonite and Rose Quartz together. There are many ways in which you can use them – integrate them into your love spells, wear them together in jewelry, make them into love talismans to carry.
When using Arfvedsonite in spell work, be CERTAIN you know what you want. Think about everything very clearly before doing your spell. Put everything together beforehand and have your plan of action and all your bits needed for the spell together. Next, do consult the Seven Keys of Solomon for the correct day in which to work your magick, then also find the correct planetary hour of that day to do your spell work. Make sure there is no Moon Void of Course in your time zone during the time you wish to work your spell. And, I reiterate – be certain you know what you want. To a T. Because Arfvedsonite works super-fast! It doesn’t mess about, it gets the job done provided you have put clear intention into your working, of course. Therefore, I am adamant about being certain of what you want. Arfvedsonite doesn’t stop to ask if you’re sure so you must be sure beforehand.
Arfvedsonite is a strong stone for assisting you in developing psychic visions. It has a very high vibration, so you will want to begin slowly with it at first. As you work with Arfvedsonite, you will realize the powerful changes taking effect in you. If you place the crystal on your Third Eye during meditation its action is very strong and powerful.
Wearing Arfvedsonite is highly recommended once you’ve become accustomed to its energy. As it helps you develop your psychic abilities, it will tend to replace your negative behaviors with positive ones as this crystal is excellent for rooting out the bad and replacing with good. It helps with re-birthing and assists you to re-organize and restructure your life.
Arfvedsonite is also excellent for helping one get a good night’s sleep. Just place it within a foot of your bed and not only will you sleep well, you will be nightmare-free.
Arfvedsonite is more healing of the mind and spirit than of the body.