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Apatite is a dual-action stone, known for its positive use of personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, apathy or negativity, then, stimulates the intellect to expand knowledge and truth, which may be used for personal growth or for the collective good. It is a Stone of Manifestation, promoting a humanitarian outlook and service to others.
Blue Apatite:
Blue Apatite is a deeply spiritual stone with a cleansing influence on the aura, especially in the mental body - the vibratory level associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities. It is a particularly strong stone to use in past-life or alternate-life work, because of its ability to access the energy levels where the Akashic records and an individual's soul patterns exist. It is excellent as a dream stone for creative problem solving, and for vertical vision, where it is possible to see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously and simultaneously.
Blue Apatite may be light, bright, or dark blue, sometimes within the same crystal. The name Apatite is derived from a Greek word meaning "to deceive" because the variety of colors and formations in which this stone occurs makes it easy to mistake for other minerals. It may be yellow, blue, green, brown, gray or colorless, but the Apatite stones used for metaphysical purposes are primarily higher-quality crystal pieces in blue, green and gold.
Apatite is also the stone associated with animal conservation, because it is composed of the mineral phosphate that makes up the teeth and bones of all vertebrate animals, as well as their horns, antlers or tusks.
Blue Apatite is a motivational stone, promoting independence and ambitiousness.
A stone of the Throat Chakra, Blue Apatite helps with public speaking and enhances group communication. Attuned to the Third Eye, it also improves concentration and memory skills, and is a good crystal for study purposes. It aids in time management when working on projects.
Blue Apatite is particularly supportive for business consultants, and account or investment managers. It is equally helpful in times of unemployment or a reduction in work hours to find alternative employment, and may be supportive of those forced into early retirement.
Blue Apatite can be used as a dream stone to access the subconscious for creative problem solving, as well as for exploring other lives and karmic patterns.
Apatite enhances creativity and awakens the finer, inner self. It is a stone of the future and brings knowledge to those attuned to it. It may be used as an interface point between consciousness and matter to translate our humanitarian aspirations into healing, information, communication and teaching.
Blue Apatite, when worn, carried, or used as an elixir, has successfully produced hunger suppression. It also helps alleviate fear associated with dental treatment.
Green Apatite:
Green Apatite is a connection crystal of the heart. It communicates wisdom of the mind with the emotion of the heart, balancing one to the other, and is helpful in overcoming difficulties when bringing one's vision to reality. Green Apatite stimulates the flow of energy on the physical plane and can be used as an abundance stone, for spiritual and financial manifestation, as well as connecting with the electromagnetic field of the planet. It allows one to replenish energy for the physical heart and to channel healing energies back to the Earth.
Green Apatite may be green, yellow-green, or sea-green tinged with blue. The name Apatite is derived from a Greek word meaning "to deceive" because the variety of colors and formations in which this stone occurs makes it easy to mistake for other minerals. It may be yellow, blue, green, brown, gray or colorless, but the Apatite stones used for metaphysical purposes are primarily higher-quality crystal pieces in blue, green and gold.
Apatite is the stone associated with animal conservation, because it is composed of the mineral phosphate that makes up the teeth and bones of all vertebrate animals, as well as their horns, antlers or tusks. Green Apatite is called "bones of the Earth" and is one of the best crystals used to heal the earth.
Apatite enhances creativity and awakens the finer, inner self. It is a stone of the future and brings knowledge to those attuned to it. It may be used as an interface point between consciousness and matter to translate our humanitarian aspirations into healing, information, communication and teaching.
Green Apatite encourages good eye-hand coordination in children, and when carried or worn, especially as earrings, makes adults less clumsy.
A great stone for healers, Green Apatite assists the practitioner by maintaining a positive, clear energy field and a heart-centered focus.
Green Apatite helps combat listlessness and promotes a lively, sociable attitude. Use Green Apatite near a computer or printer when sending out invitations for a social event, or for a local gathering over an environmental issue.
In the workplace, Green Apatite may re-awaken an enthusiasm for a personal long-term project. It may also refocus co-workers who spend too much time on non-work emailing or phone calls.
Green Apatite is reputed to increase psychic and telepathic communications with animals and birds, especially pets and local wildlife. It is also beneficial in animal healing.
Yellow Apatite:
Yellow Apatite, also called Gold or Golden Apatite, is one of the purest crystals of the Yellow Ray, the vibration of mental clarity, strength of will and manifestation. It brings a sunny, spiritual energy to the aura, inspiring hope and passion for life, and instilling a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. A solar stone, Yellow Apatite assists both men and women in strengthening the male side of their personality by developing assertiveness and the courage to take risks. Yellow Apatite is also a stone of learning, enlarging one's capacity to take in and process new information, especially information that helps in manifesting one's dreams and desires.
Yellow Apatite ranges from pale yellow-green to a deep golden yellow. The name Apatite is derived from a Greek word meaning "to deceive" because the variety of colors and formations in which this stone occurs makes it easy to mistake for other minerals. It may be yellow, blue, green, brown, gray or colorless, but the Apatite stones used for metaphysical purposes are primarily higher-quality crystal pieces in blue, green and gold.
Apatite is the stone associated with animal conservation, because it is composed of the mineral phosphate that makes up the teeth and bones of all vertebrate animals, as well as their horns, antlers or tusks.
Yellow Apatite enhances creativity and awakens the finer, inner self. It is a stone of the future and brings knowledge to those attuned to it. It may be used as an interface point between consciousness and matter to translate our humanitarian aspirations into healing, information, communication and teaching.
Yellow Apatite combats listlessness and apathy, and provides an invigorating and lively, sociable attitude. It helps one be more outgoing and optimistic, and increases the drive to get things done.
It provides the courage to take risks, and the clarity to know which risks are worth taking. As a note of caution for those with an overabundance of natural confidence, this stone may make one too assertive for the taste of others, especially in a work environment. However, this property can be advantageous in a competitive situation, from sports to corporate dealings.
Yellow Apatite is particularly useful in starting new ventures. It supports creative ideas and bringing them into reality, as well as developing the business skills needed to make a living from one's passions