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Charoite is an incredible stone of the Violet Ray with an almost tangible movement of energy flowing in magnificent swirls and eddies of violet, lavender and purple. It is rare and complex, one of nature’s best dream stones and illuminators, allowing access to lessons learned in past lives, healing emotional fears to live in the present, and opening to spiritual guidance for the future.
This stone embodies a unique synthesis between the Crown and Heart Chakras, bringing high spiritual energy into union with unconditional love from the physical plane, and grounding it here on Earth where it is needed most. It is a Stone for This Age, assisting in the here and now…conveying the message that one is exactly where one should be during this moment. It is a talisman of acceptance and letting go; a “bestower of good,” encouraging service to humanity, and for attaining approval of the Self.
Discovered in the 1940s, Charoite was unknown to the outside world until 1978. Its name is derived from the Chara (or Charo) River in eastern Siberia, Russia, the only site in the world where it is found. The word “Chary” in Russian means “magic” or “charms.” The term “Charoite Jade” is a trade name for Charoite used in various applications as a decorative stone.
Charoite is a complex silicate containing elements such as potassium, sodium, calcium, barium, strontium, oxygen, silicon, and hydrogen. It is often found with inclusions of microcline feldspar, aergirine-augite, and tinaksite. Its distinctive color, ranging from bright lavender and violet to deep purple, together with its unusual patterns makes it so unusual it is often mistaken for a synthetic. It is found in massive form in dense fibrous aggregates, and may be translucent to opaque with a slight to moderate chatoyancy and a vitreous silky luster. It is relatively soft for use in rings or bracelets, but works well in other jewelry. It is heat sensitive so steam cleaning and ultrasonic methods should be avoided.
Charoite comes from an area of Siberia once associated with political prisoners and has become a source of comfort and a symbol of endurance in adversity. It grants the courage to start over after repossession, overcomes job loss in an area of high unemployment, and sustains those in prison, boarding school, the hospital or in residential care.
It is also a support crystal for those who care for the sick or elderly and for adoptive parents to bond with children with behavioral difficulties.
Charoite is a stone of connection for all who work away from home, and for those who live alone with little contact with others. It provides emotional healing for those who suffer acute loneliness and alienation from life, and eases fears of ill-health, pain and dying.
Charoite awakens analytical abilities and the capacity for keen observation. It assists in decision-making and facilitates faster responses. It imparts vigor and determination in overcoming obstacles and tackling huge piles of work.
Wear Charoite to avert premonitions of disasters you cannot prevent, and to channel these powers into positive intuition.