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Bolivianite was recently discovered in 2018. However, a second locality was found recently in Peru (much of the material on the market comes from the Peruvian mines). This Bolivianite is not to be confused with the original name given to Ametrine, when it was newly discovered in Bolivia. Since this mineral was recently discovered, much debate is still ongoing in regards to its exact chemical makeup and theory of creation. Most signs point towards it being a combination of Serpentine and Fluorite, although some geologists speculate some forms of Stichtite within. This would mean another form of “Atlantisite” was discovered, this being the first time in the Americas!
Bolivianite contains powerful calming and balancing energies. This will allow one to fully ground themselves into Mother Earth during deep meditative sessions. As your internal roots begin to expose themselves and dig deeper into our planet, one will soon notice newly found levels of openness and acceptance. Thoughts and ideas which may have seemed so foreign, will now begin to fill your mental space. Physical energies you may have not known existed will begin to spew out and fuel your inner willpower. Your dreams and desires will now become a priority and all available strength will be channeled into accomplishing your goals.
Use Bolivianite to help jump start your day with a quick and easy morning meditation session (especially after one engages in yoga or some form of exercise). Just as your body physically opens and stretches during these activities, one's mind and internal emotional body will do the same when extracting Bolivianite’s energies. Trust yourself and your newly found crystal to usher in joy, happiness, balance, and opportunity. These vibrations will have a positive influence on your life and help readjust the path in which you're headed. Only you can know what's best for your time here on Earth. Bolivianite will help clear the air of any toxicity that may greatly weigh in on your course of action.