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Nepheline Syenite

Nepheline Syenite is a holocrystalline plutonic rock resembling syenite but containing nepheline and lacking quartz. It is a medium- to coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock, a member of the alkali-syenite group that consists largely of feldspar and nepheline. It is always considerably poorer in silica and richer in alkalies than granite.
The extraordinarily varied mineralogy of the nepheline syenites and their remarkable variation in habit, fabric, appearance, and composition have attracted much attention; more petrographic research has been devoted to them than to any other plutonic rock.
The feldspar in nepheline syenite may be cryptoperthite or, rarely, a mixture of albite and microcline. Nepheline is sometimes wholly or partly replaced by sodalite or cancrinite. The commonest dark silicate is green pyroxene; and alkaline amphibole (green, brown, or blue) is also abundant. In some areas pyroxene is virtually absent, and it is replaced by a mixture of hornblende and biotite. Rocks that contain more than 30 percent (by volume) of either dark silicates or nepheline usually are not called nepheline syenite.
Quartz and calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar are absent, but calcite is almost never absent and may be abundant. Minerals rich in zirconium, titanium, and rare earths occur frequently and sometimes in great abundance.
The amount of nepheline syenite and related volcanic or plutonic rocks in the lithosphere is very small, yet they occur in great variety on every major landmass, and volcanic representatives are known from a considerable number of oceanic islands. Plutonic nepheline rocks ordinarily occur in small complexes, some quite isolated, but most in close association with effusive rocks of similar composition.
Nepheline has a gentle energy and helps uncover visions and truth. It nutures self-love, self esteem, creativity and a lust for life.
Nepheline Syenite is an excellent grief stone, as it helps to unleash the bonds of entrenched sorrow.
It has been used to calm children, banish nightmares, and treat sleeping difficulties.
Nepheline Syenite is also an excellent stone for treating stress and stress related disorders.