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Onyx is an excellent stone for releasing negative emotions such as sorrow and grief, and therefore brings good fortune and helps in recognizing personal strength. This black colored stone helps in relaxation, and in facing various challenges in life, especially if one suffers from a lack of life energy and exhaustion.
The color of onyx, apart from mostly being black, can be white, blue, gray or yellow. It always possesses a characteristic glow. The black specimens can be extremely shiny, with a sateen reflection. Some onyx specimens can be partly colored pink, violet or brown. Onyx stones often have bands of different coloration. Sardonyx is a variation of onyx where the bands are red or white instead of black. Notable occurences are in Brazil, Mexico, USA, South Africa, Madagascar and India.
Onyx is a cryptocrystalline form of quartz. The etymological origin of the word onyx is thought to come from the Asyrian word for ring, indicating any material which can be used for ring producing.
Onyx is often recommended to athletes as it increases strength, endurance, persevierance, and explosivity, especially if placed on the Solar plexus.
Red onyx is connected to the first chakra - Muladhara. White onyx represents a link between the first chakra - Muladhara and the seventh chakra - Sahasrara, balancing the total energy along the seven energy centers - the seven chakras.
Onyx is good for opening the chakras.
Onyx has served as a bead making stone for centuries. It harmonizes the physical with the spiritual and helps alleviate fears and worries as well as during periods of strong overwhelming emotions. This mineral helps us in our efforts to be balanced and in maintaining positive outlook at our life and environment. Onyx increases concentration and devotion, relieves tension especially in marital life.
On the physical level in the crystal-healing, onyx helps in healing wounds, and during times of childbirth. It can be used in treating eye and ear problems, and in cellular regeneration. It strengthens the structural systems of the bones and teeth, hair, skin and nails. It boosts general endurance and self-control. This stone is very good in grounding, as well as in elimination and/or control of excess energy.
Onyx can be discharged under running water, twice a month. This stone can be charged together with rock crystal. Black onyx can be charged over night if left in a flower pot where it gains additional strength.