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1455 grams


Epidote will enhance the energy of whatever it touches, including other stones.  Epidote increases perception and interaction with spiritual beings, and brings spiritual growth.  Epidote is a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one's vibrational energy.  It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern.  Epidote can inject a sense of hopeful optimism into one's emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration.  Crystal healers like to work with Epidote for its ability to clear congestion and energy blockages in the physical and subtle bodies.  Epidote will help to balance and stabilize the energy flow in the body.  Epidote is also used to help dissipate tumors by releasing stagnant energies in the area.


Please see our Crystal Lore Section for more info on this amazing stone!


Epidote Cluster

SKU: CL276

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