Myrrh. Clearing, spiritual connection, healing.
The story goes that myrrh was one of the gifts given to baby Jesus from the wise men (along with Frankincense and Gold). The myth shows just how significant this tree resin truly is. It was also used during the mummification process as an embalming substance. The ancient Egyptians also used myrrh for healing, as well as spiritual rituals. It not only helps to maintain a state of enlightenment, but also clears negative energy and illusions that stand in the way of seeing the truth.
White Sage - White Sage is the standard sage most people think of when doing a smudging, may use saging and smudging interchangeably. Other forms of sage can also be used for the smudge stick but the scent will be different and the cleansing effect maybe not quite as pronounced as with white sage. White sage has great properties for removing negativity, cleansing, and protection. A Great property of Sage smoke it is beneficial to breathe as it has many antimicrobial properties.
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