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Samadhi Quartz

For thousands of years, people of many cultures have chosen the towering peaks of the Himalayan Mountains as the spiritual site for meditation and prayers, to still the soul in literally the highest reaches of our world in order to achieve Samadhi - a oneness of mind with the universe; the deepest state of contemplation leading to full enlightenment. A most recent discovery of unique crystalline Pink Quartz from these mountain tops has just been unearthed and carries the Samadhi energy within. Clear and lovely, divinely made, it is a talisman of love to the world at a time when humanity needs it most.
The blush-pink crystals of Himalayan Samadhi Quartz convey an elegance and grace that may simply rival all crystals before them. Their resonance of purity and innocence evokes a sense of sparkling newness, as if they were freshly born of Mother Earth and offered to the universe for blessing. These unique wonders are crystals of Radiant Love. They are charismatic and warm, with a palpable energy of joy that invites the heart to open freely, completely, and in full trust. Their frequency fills the aura with a blissful peace, releasing the mind to fully appreciate the present moment…to connect, to experience all that is around and beyond, and to embrace the Divine presence. Like the Samadhi levels of meditation they are named for, these crystals offer love and enlightenment, a spiritual oneness with the Self, with one’s surroundings and All That Is.
Samadhi Quartz is an exceptionally rare variety of crystalline Pink Quartz found only in high elevations of the Himalayan Mountains of India. Like Clear Quartz, it is a silicon dioxide mineral with a six-sided crystal structure and pointed terminations, and forms in clusters of sheer, transparent pink crystals ranging in size from very small to quite large. Its color is thought to come from trace amounts of aluminum or phosphate, and specimens may contain small inclusions or phantoms of green chlorite, hematite, or other minerals. The Samadhi come from the sacred Kullu Valley of Himachal Pradesh, India, a lush area tucked between the Lower and Great Himalayan Range. Once known as Kulanthapitha, or “End of the Habitable World,” it is now referred to as the “Valley of the Gods.”
Until recently, all pink-colored Quartz was thought to be Rose Quartz, the pale pink to reddish-rose semi-precious stone of beauty and love cherished since antiquity for its power to heal the heart and stimulate romantic devotion. Its ability to be polished and carved into jewelry and marvelous ornamentation has made it a favorite since civilizations began. Rose Quartz is found in abundance around the world and occurs only in massive form, without crystal faces, edges and terminations. It is hazy to translucent, and is usually found in the cores of granite pegmatites. Its color is due to trace amounts of titanium, iron, or manganese in the massive material, and contains microscopic fiber inclusions of rutile or a borosilicate similar to dumortierite that can produce a cat’s eye or “star” effect. The color of Rose Quartz is very stable and will not fade with heat or direct sunlight. It has long been referred to as Pink Quartz, though a mineralogical distinction in the 1990’s of Pink Quartz as an independent variety has now been recognized and is becoming generally accepted.
Pink Quartz crystals were first discovered in the 1930’s near Rumford and Newry in Oxford County, Maine, USA, and were thought to be a rare, aberrant form of Rose Quartz, described in journals and soon dismissed. A “re-discovery” in Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1959 renewed excitement over these minerals, and they were soon labeled Crystalline Rose Quartz. However, as mineralogists began to study these rare specimens, they discovered distinct differences between them and common Rose Quartz. Pink Quartz crystals occur only in phosphorus-rich pegmatites, a late-phase formation grown not in the cores, but in thin vein systems throughout the pegmatites, often growing on, and parallel to, Smoky Quartz crystals. Though similar in color to Rose Quartz, Pink Quartz occurs in clusters of small, well-formed crystals, often parallel-grown, that are translucent to transparent. Their color is due to irradiation-induced color centers caused by trace amounts of aluminum and phosphorous. These crystals are very light and heat sensitive, and will fade with prolonged exposure to sunlight. Most Pink Quartz on the market today still comes from Minas Gerais, Brazil, and because of its rarity is not used in jewelry. It is occasionally faceted into collectors’ gems, but virtually all of the limited supply is sold as specimens. Since its distinction from Rose Quartz is still being accepted, Pink Quartz is, at times, still referenced as Rose Quartz.
In 2006, rare Pink Quartz was again discovered high in the Himalayan Mountains of India, at altitudes of over 18,000 feet. This Pink Quartz, co-existing with portions of clear white Quartz, was exposed as a result of receding glaciers and is an amazing example of growth-interference Quartz crystals. The process occurs when Calcite or other minerals bond with Quartz during its formation, and inhibits the normal crystal growth. Later, the intermingled minerals dissolve, leaving a soft, irregularly shaped, convoluted form with deep recesses and strange contours, much like the ice sheets and crevices that concealed them. The crystals are mostly translucent, thick and stubby or roughly wand shaped, and while they do not exhibit the traditional six-sided body and pointed terminations of most Quartz, they do occasionally show natural facets and partially smooth bodies. These unique stones were named Nirvana Quartz, for their marvelous spiritual resonance of transcendence and peace they offer during meditation, and in healing. They teach the importance of strength, inner radiance and the necessity of hardship as part of the path of spiritual ascension. Because they resemble pieces of ice, they are also referred to as Himalayan Ice Quartz. In some localities this special Pink Quartz is mined as Pink Lemurian Scalar Quartz.
The newest discovery of Pink Himalayan Samadhi Quartz is extraordinary not only for the remote location of its mines; it is the formation of large, clear, perfect pink crystals that makes this Quartz so unique. Developed at lower elevations than the Nirvana Quartz with full, unfettered vein space to grow, Samadhi Quartz was allowed by Nature to develop to its fullest glory. It carries and radiates the warm, loving energy of the earth and stimulates the Heart Chakra in a profound way. As a Pink Quartz, Samadhi Quartz shares some of the metaphysical properties of its sister stone, Rose Quartz, yet brings its own unique frequency to the world.
Warning: Pink Samadhi Quartz is very light and heat sensitive, and may fade with prolonged exposure to direct light.
Use Samadhi Quartz clusters in the home, meditation areas or any environment to create a blissful, unhurried peace. Their energy provides a calm, soothing ambiance, and can open one’s receptivity to the beauty of art, music and the written word. They are great for enlivening the imagination, and the unfolding of one’s interests and personal talents.
In the workplace Samadhi Quartz softens the stress of a hectic pace and brings a sense of calm contentment to the emotional body. It is a happy stone, inspiring an awareness of all work as honorable, and imparts the message that what one is doing at the present moment is exactly where one should be at this time and place in the universe. Keep on the desk or in meeting rooms to extend that clarity of purpose, and to draw others together in cooperation.
Hold Samadhi Quartz or sit within a grid of Samadhi clusters whenever you need to feel comforted and surrounded by unconditional love; also to gain peace when it seems there is no peace to be found. It is an excellent ally for children caught between quarrelling parents or siblings, neglected or mistreated in foster care, or shuttled between homes in situations of divorce. It is also an empowering stone for adults struggling to leave domestic abuse, for overcoming drug or alcohol addictions, or fighting loneliness or despair. The all-encompassing love and support from these crystals are undeniable.
Samadhi Quartz crystals are often parallel-grown, two crystals growing together side by side. Samadhi, from Sanskrit, literally means, “a putting or joining together.” They are relationship crystals, and support the love and passion of new romance and the unified heart of partners who have been together for some time. They can bring family members closer, strengthen the bonds of friendships, and aid in developing good business partnerships. Use these clusters to draw in love, create balance, and promote good communication and understanding. Samadhi crystals can also cultivate strong relationships with one’s angels, animal totems, and spirit guides.
Pink Samadhi Quartz carries a wonderful feminine energy and is the embodiment of nurturing. It is exceptional for helping mothers and babies to bond, and for re-connecting with older children or those who’ve left the nest. It is the perfect gift not only for new mothers, but for one’s own mother, a daughter, sisters, or friends so dear as to be related.
Samadhi Quartz is a wonderful sleep crystal for adults and children, promoting beautiful dreams as well as preventing nightmares or night terrors. It also helps children to not be afraid of the dark.
Use the soft energy of Himalayan Samadhi Quartz for all forms of healing, especially where the frequency of Clear Quartz may be overpowering. Samadhi Quartz is especially effective for Far Eastern healing arts such as Reiki, shiatsu and Indian head massage, and to empower herbs used in traditional Chinese medicine. Use Samadhi clusters as a collective focus and for ongoing harmony in a large room when teaching yoga, tai chi, or dance therapies to a group.