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Shungite is believed to be over 2 billion years old. Shungite is the only crystal known to naturally contain fullerenes aka Buckyballs, a hollow carbon structure which is said to give Shungite its healing properties.
Shungite has electric conductivity properties. This is said to be the reason for one of shungite's most notable uses: shielding and protection from EMF electromagnetic radiation from things like TVs, computers, microwaves, cell phones, and other items. This shielding brings with it many healing energies.
Shungite is used in crystal healing and local folk healing for the immune system, hair growth, skin diseases and deformations, antioxidants, fight free radicals, cancer, rheumatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, musculo-skeletal disorders, liver disease, kidney disease, GI problems, headaches, insomnia, back pain and spinal problems, balancing blood pressure to ideal level, respiratory issues, infections, purify blood, minor headaches, protection against electromagnetic radiation issues, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, pain relief, rapid healing and more. It is considered by many to be a miracle healing stone.
Shungite is related to the root or base chakra.
Elite Noble Shungite:
The only known source of Shungite is from the Shunga area in the Karelia region of northern Russia. This stone has been know and used by the people of this region for a long time, and the first recorded use was by Czar Peter how traveled to the region to use the water. The exact origin of the stone is unknown as it is 2 billion years old, it has been theorized that it came to the area on a meteorite or was the stone that was formed as an ancient sea evaporated and ended as land…… no one knows how, they just know how useful it is in healing.
Noble Shungite or Crystal Shungite or Silver Shungite is more lustrous in appearance than regular Shungite. It shiny and silvery. It almost looks metallic. The difference runs deeper than mere appearance. While regular Shungite contains approx. 30% carbon, Noble Crystal Shungite has a much higher carbon content, ranging from 70% to 94% and a higher fullerene content. It also doesn’t leave behind the same black resideue on your skin when you handle it, as the regular Shungite. You may get a little bit of black on your hand but it’s nothing like its other form.
Noble Crystal Shungite is a very rare and highly coverted type of Shungite. – Shungit water helps ones who struggle with various illnesses: the general condition improves, nervous pressure is removed, and the inflow of energy is sensed. It is easier to obtain a steady remission of some chronic diseases of gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and metabolic processes. With the help of the Shungit water skin diseases are cured much more easily and water sprinkling of the head decreases falling out of the hair. Hair is resilient and healthy looking. Face skin rejuvenates, wrinkles smooth down and skin elasticity restores.
Shungite is a hard black, amorphous, coal-like material composed or more than 98% carbon. Regarded as a wonder stone. It is said to kill and absorb everything that does harm to people and live beings and concentrate and restore everything that is useful.
Shungite is a mineral described formally as natural Carbon Black. Chemical Formula: C; Hardness: 3.5-4; Density: 1.8-2.0 Shungite is an amorphous variety of graphite of intense black color, which outwardly resembles anthracite. Shungite is unique in its composition, structure and properties. It is a natural composite with a homogeneous distribution of crystalline silicate particles in a carbon matrix. Fullerenes have been discovered in this rock. It is found in the only place in the world which is Zazhoginskoye deposit near Lake Onega in the Shunga region of Karelia, North West of Russia.Shungite exhibits unique shielding effect for harmful electromagnetic radiation of any origin like computers, microwave ovens, TV sets, mobile phones and others. Shungite is a mineral, which has no analogues of range and diversity of its healing properties. Generally Shungite heals, saves, cleans, improves, protects, neutralizes and regenerates. An amazing rock: it eliminates and absorbs all that imposes a hazard on people and living beings, but it concentrates and restores all that is helpful for a human being.
Shungite shields electromagnetic radiation of high and ultrahigh frequency. The scientists who have investigated the shungite declare unanimously, it is a miracle!