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Spirit Quartz
Spirit Quartz is an unusual member of the Quartz family - a community within a stone. Its core, a larger, candle-shaped crystal with a faceted termination point, is encrusted with hundreds of smaller crystal termination points. Also referred to as Cactus Quartz or Porcupine Quartz, it is found only in the Magaliesberg Mountain region of South Africa, first appearing around 2001. Most Spirit Quartz is Amethyst, though Citrine, Smokey, and White Quartz are also mined.
In the metaphysical world, Spirit Quartz is a crystal of Harmony and Alignment. It takes all the crystal energies of the main stone and amplifies them over and over again in all the tiny points, each reflecting light back and forth to one another so all can bathe in the combined radiance of the whole. In the Book of Stones, Naisha Ahsian describes this crystal as "a hundred-voice choir singing in harmony." Its resonance is spiritually uplifting, radiating high-vibrational energy in all directions, and is a perfect ally in aligning the aura, chakras, meridians and the physical body, as well as carrying the gifts of Spirit out into the world.
There are four natural forms of Spirit Quartz - Amethyst, Citrine, Smokey, and White Quartz, sometimes occurring in combinations within a specimen.
Amethyst Spirit Quartz varies in shades of pale lilac to deep purple and activates the higher Crown chakras, bringing in spiritual information and providing multi-dimensional healing. It is very cleansing to the aura and can dispel negative attachments and entities, and repair holes to the etheric body. It is a compassionate stone facilitating transition to other states of being. It assists a soul facing death and provides immense support throughout a terminal illness, and can be an effective tool for spirit release, attracting guides for the journey. The Amethyst color brings passion and imagination, emotion and logic. It stimulates creativity and is particularly helpful in artistic endeavors. Amethyst is the traditional birthstone of those born in February, and is associated with the sign of Pisces. It utilizes Fire Energy, and may be used in devotions to Minerva, the Etruscan Goddess of Wisdom, Sophia, the Goddess of Wisdom, and Ixcuiname, the Mayan Goddess of the Four Ages of Women
Citrine Spirit Quartz varies in shades of pale yellow to gold, sometimes with a rich orange or brownish cast. It activates the Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras, aligning personal will with Divine Will, and allowing for a more focused manifestation of one's chosen goals and those of the Higher Self. This stone purifies intent, and increases the sense of self-worth and empowerment, giving access to true abundance while releasing attachments to material things. It is particularly useful in harmonizing group efforts and focusing power for a collective cause, and is a marvelous stone for conflict-resolution and in seeking, or granting, forgiveness. Gold crystals provide the simple pleasures of life - cheerfulness and contentment, enthusiasm and success. Citrine Spirit Quartz is associated with the sign of Cancer, and utilizes Fire Energy. It may be used in devotions to Grian, the Irish Sun Fairy Queen, Ixcuiname, the Mayan Goddess of the Four Ages of Women, and Demeter, the Greek Goddess of Abundance.
Smoky Spirit Quartz varies in shades of brown to grayish-brown, and activates the Base chakra, aligning it with the Third Eye for grounding spiritual insight into everyday life. It is a stone of protection, cleansing, and integration, highly beneficial in any work that involves visiting the underworld or exploring the subconscious mind. It assists in conveying a soul safely into the next world, cleansing the subtle bodies and removing karmic and emotional debris to ensure a good rebirth. It is a marvelous tool for releasing deeply held emotions, traumatic memories or states of dis-ease, including those passed down the ancestral line. This stone also stabilizes and purifies environmental imbalances and pollution. Brown crystals promote security and stability, connecting to the natural earth for regaining composure. Smoky Spirit Quartz utilizes Wood Energy, and may be used in devotions to Ixcuiname, the Mayan Goddess of the Four Ages of Women, and Gaia, the Greek Earth Mother Goddess.
White Spirit Quartz varies from clear to opaque white, and is sometimes called Fairy Spirit Quartz. It activates all energy centers and is most resonant with the physical body, especially for support of the physical healing process and in revitalizing energy levels. It clears and cleanses blockages in the system, and attunes the aura for both healing and evolution. It is a helpful tool of practitioners for extending the effects of healing work, and is beneficial for use in stone layouts. White crystals represent natural cycles, birth, and regeneration - the feminine gender, manifested as the Goddess in many cultures. It is the color of cleanliness, purity, and unity. White Spirit Quartz utilizes Metal Energy, and may be used in devotions to Allat, the Arabian Moon Goddess, and Ixcuiname, the Mayan Goddess of the Four Ages of Women.
There are also varieties that have been chemically treated for color, which in no way diminishes the energies of the crystal.
Aqua Aura Spirit Quartz varies from sky blue to aqua, and is created by a process where pure Gold is bonded to the surfaces of Clear Spirit Quartz. It stimulates the Throat chakra and encourages openness, expression of affection and appreciation of others. It expands the boundaries of possibility and helps dissolve limitations. A wonderful stone to help families understand one another, it is also beneficial in the workplace, and assists in manifesting one's highest potential in life. Light Blue crystals help in developing patience, reconciling differences, and in seeking forgiveness. Aqua Aura Spirit Quartz utilizes Water Energy and may be used in devotions to Ixcuiname, the Mayan Goddess of the Four Ages of Women.
Flame Aura Spirit Quartz produces a rainbow of bright colors, created from Titanium (Rutile) and niobium alchemically coated onto Quartz. It is a crystal of initiation, capable of a profound multi-dimensional energy shift, drawing kundalini energy up the spine and through the subtle bodies. It helps provide what each soul needs for its evolution, and is an intuitive ally in reading people at an energetic and subtle level. Flame Aura Spirit Quartz utilizes Fire Energy and may be used in devotions to Ixcuiname, the Mayan Goddess of the Four Ages of Women.
Spirit Quartz is an excellent crystal for promoting any collective activity, whether socially or at work, in the community or for sporting events. It encourages team building and brings productive harmony to group efforts. It is particularly useful for those in service-based occupations, such as health care or teaching to maintain focus on the care and not be worn down by administrative or budgetary restraints.
Spirit Quartz facilitates bonding in home environments, especially when a new member joins the family, such as a young relative, foster or adopted child. It stimulates healing and peace in homes with fierce sibling rivalries, and reduces resentment and jealousy when step-families merge or when older family members must give up their home to move in.
Spirit Quartz is a comforting stone, assisting at death to guide the soul through the dimensions of the afterlife and into the hands of those waiting to welcome it home. It also provides solace and understanding for those left behind.
Spirit Quartz cleanses other stones and enhances their energy in healing layouts. It harmonizes well with all members of the Quartz and Beryl families, as well as Moldavite which speeds its effects.