1065 grams
Slight chip on the Tip
In the realm of dark stones, Smoky Quartz offers a rare and beautiful transparency that draws light into shades of black and brown. With crystals as pale and surreal as a wisp of smoke, as dark and clear as midnight waters, or as warm and rich as a cognac by the fire, this mineral honors its connection with Mother Earth. It is a talisman of the Root Chakra, an anchor in the natural world, drawing white light energy from the Crown down through the body to be deeply rooted into the physical plane. It initiates movement of primal forces within the body and activates one’s survival instincts in a purified way. It brings strength and stability, and a sense of personal pride in walking the Earth and inhabiting a human form.
Rutilated Quartz Crystal facilitates the connection for spiritual guidance and assists in one’s alignment with the flow of graceful action. Rutilated Quartz removes negative energy and purifies toxic thoughts.
Please see our Crystal Lore Section for more info on this amazing stone!
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SKU: W18